It's official. I'm back in the saddle. Literally, I ain't neva gettin' in no saddle. (Which is probably a disappointment to my sister since she runs a horse farm. But she's gonna hafta get over that mess!) Figuratively though, I've decided to return to the world of blogs. I have this great desire to share the great things in life with the world - orrrrr just my Facebook Friends! So, share your time with me and we can talk crafts, religion, life, dating (said no one ever), work, parties parties parties and much more! Just don't expect fashion tips, because that is not in my realm of expertise. Then again, neither is dating.... But, if dating happens you'll want to witness such a miraculous event, trust me.
In our church we have an Institute program. This is a weekly class we attend to discuss spiritual topics. [LDS Institute] Our teacher, Brother Schmidt, is amazing and I try to take away little nuggets each week from class. This semester I am part-time attending a class on the Old Testament (which means I go as my schedule allows) and full-time attend a class called Jesus Christ and the Everlasting Gospel. It is so so sooooo good. Today, I want to leave you with a nugget from that class:
We were talking about Christ's Atonement for us all... John 6:38 "For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of Him that sent me." ...didn't we come to Earth for that same purpose? To do the will of our Heavenly Father? My heart is full of love when I think about His will for me. I know He wants me to live with Him again! And I know my Heavenly Father is pleased when I make decisions that keep me on the path to His will. While it is not asked of me to come to Earth and atone for the sins of others (that was Christ's plan), it is humbling to know that both Christ and I, and all of you, have one purpose in common - fulling the will of our Heavenly Father.